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Search Engines, Directories and Data Bases; Statistics

EU Law/Legislation
CORDIS - Community Research and Development Service
CORDIS provides information on research, development and innovation activities undertaken on a European level
CORDIS - Fifth Framework Programme
Official documents from EU institutions, agencies and other bodies
White Papers
A White Paper is a document presenting a detailed and debated policy both for discussion and political decision
Green Papers
A Green Paper is a document presented for public discussion and debate
ECLAS - European Commission Libraries Catalogue
Eur-Lex (European Union Law)
Statistical Office of the European Communities. 'Whether you are a researcher, teacher, company decision maker or politician, member of a trade organisation, student or EU citizen... whatever your profile and need for information, Eurostat offers you detailed, reliable and complete statistics as a firm basis for making decisions.'
The European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems
Historical Archives of the European Communities
Background Information on EU policies. ('up-to-date documentary references of legislation and Community publications, articles from periodicals from all over the world positions of the two sides of industry')
I&M Directorate - European Defence Agency

Statistical Offices in Europe
Danmarks Statistik
Tilastokeskus - Statistikcentralen - Statistics Finland
INSEE - National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies - France
Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland - Startseite (Germany)
National Statistical Service of Greece
Statistics Iceland
CSO - Central Statistics Office Ireland
Istituto Nazionale di Statistica - Italy
STATEC Luxembourg NSO - National Statistics Office - Malta
Statistics Netherlands - CBS
Statistics Norway
Instituto Nacional de Estatistica - Portugal
Instituto Nacional de Estadística (National Statistics Institute) - Spain
Startpage - Statistics Sweden
Statistik Schweiz - Bundesamt für Statistik - Switzerland
Turkish Statistical Institute(TurkStat)'s - Turkey
UK National Statistics Publication Hub - United Kingdom
Also See:
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development