Year in Europe

The full academic year in a French-speaking environment (Year III) is of crucial importance. Without this, acceptable standards in French are unlikely to be reached. The full immersion into the societies of French-speaking countries is also essential to allow profound insights into their living culture, which go beyond theoretical study.

So, students who have successfully sat for the required proficiency examination in French at the end of Year II and have a sufficient GPA will spend their third year in France (students who have received an academic warning in the preceding semester or are on academic probation can be excluded from Year III and will then be asked to repeat Year II).

This year is designed as an integral part of the overall development of the course. It consists generally of two semesters of academic study in a political science institute or in a business school.

A placement with European companies or public institutions is also possible but please note that finding internships in France is not easy as education in France is more academic focused and does not possess a strong apprenticeship culture as it is the case in German-speaking countries.

Prior to the beginning of their academic year, in August, students will attend an intensive language course in order to prepare linguistic and cultural immersion. There, they will develop further their oral and written skills in view of their coming academic year, while getting their first concrete glimpse of French culture and way of life. In 2017, students went to Lyon, at the Institut de Langue et de Culture Françaises (ILCF).

While the year is organized by the University, students have to be prepared to bear their own private living expenses in Europe and to finance themselves their Year Abroad.

Click here to view the list of partner institutions where students will study abroad at in year III.

Year III

EURO3008 European Academic/Internship Semester I (9 units)

EURO3009 European Academic/Internship Semester II (12 units)

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