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The Hong Kong Association |
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Words from the founder of HKAES, Prof. Murray Forsyth
Hong Kong Association for European Studies Annual General Meeting President's Report 2018-2019
Hong Kong Association for European Studies Annual General Meeting President's Report 2017-2018
Current Activities
Past Activities
Workshops and Conferences
Workshop: "The 30-year Anniversary of The Czechoslovak Velvet Revolution of 1989", 5 November 2019, in AM308 (Paul S. Lam Conference Centre), 3/F, Amenities Building, Lingnan University. (poster 1) (poster 2)
Conference: HKAES presented a Panel at the Hong Kong Political Science Association (HKPSA) Annual Conference, 26 October 2019. Panel Title: "Europe : Crisis, Leadership and Change", Chair: Prof. Ting Wai, Ex-President of the Hong Kong Association for European Studies and Associate Professor, Department of Government & International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. (panellists) (poster) (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4, photo 5)
Conference organized by The European Union Studies Association Asia Pacific (EUSAAP) entitled: "New Leadership, New Priorities - The EU in 2019", 6,7 July 2019 (Saturday & Sunday), Shanghai, China.
Panel discussion: "The End of Communism 1989: 30 Years On", 24 May 2019 (Friday), 6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., School of Continuing and Professional Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Rm 100, Bank of American Tower, Central, Hong Kong. (Poster)
(photo 1,
photo 2,
photo 3,
photo 4,
photo 5,
photo 6,
photo 7,
photo 8)
Roundtable: "Populism, Social Movements and Political Change Hong Kong, Spain, France and Russia", 15 February 2019 (Friday), 7:00pm - 9:00pm, venue: Council Chamber (Room SWT 501), Shaw Tower, Hong Kong Baptist University. (Poster) (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3)
HKAES Panel, 'Imperial Visions and Organized Crimes', Hong Kong Political Science Association Annual Conference, 3 November 2018, City University of Hong Kong. (Poster) (photo 1, photo 2)
Panel discussion: "A Start Up Nation in Europe" : Is France back ?, organized by Association Alumni Sciences Po in Hong Kong (ASPHK) , 1 November 2018, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, Venue: International Commerce Centre (ICC). (Poster) (photo 1, photo 2)
Conference: "Annual Conference of the European Union Studies Association Asia-Pacific - 30 Years After the Single European Act", 29 - 30 Jun 2016, Wednesday - Thursday, in WLB 109 / WLB 104, Lam Woo International Conference Centre, HKBU. (Poster) (Programme Schedule) (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4, photo 5, photo 6)
Workshop: "Dynamics of Contention: Comparative Perspectives on Europe and China", 2006 2:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 9, in Room 802, David C. Lam Building, HKBU. The speakers were:
2:30 pm : Session 1
Dr. Li Lianjiang, HKBU, Protest Leaders and State-Society Relations in the Chinese Countryside.
Pr. Chen Feng, HKBU, Individual Rights and Collective Rights: Labor’s Predicament in China.
Discussion introduced by Dr. Stephanie Balme, CUHK.
4:15 pm: Session 2
Dr. Lam Wai Man, HKU, Changing Patterns of Social Movements in Hong Kong.
Pr. Richard Balme, HKBU, The Dynamics of Civil Society and Protest in European Countries.
Dr. Didier Chabanet, HKBU, Anti-globalisation Movements and European Integration.
Discussion introduced by Dr. Kenneth Chan, HKBU.
International Conference on "EU-Asia Relations: Building Multilateralism?", 20-21 May 2005, with the GIS Dept of BU
Colloque international, "Jules Verne, Romancier", samedi le 7 mai 2005, avec le departement de GIS a BU (International conference, "Jules Verne, Novelist", Saturday 7 May 2005, with the GIS Dept of BU) (details)
Academic Conference: "Patriotism: European and Chinese Perspectives", 6 November 2004 (details) (the programme)
Film Show "Bornholmer Straße" (Regarding the Fall of the Berlin Wall), 5 November 2019. Venue: MBG01, G/F, Patrick Lee Wan Keung Academic Building, Lingnan University. (poster)
"The End of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe : A Panel Discussion on the Significance and Contemporary Relevance of the 1989 Revolution in Europe", 7 November 2019 (Thursday), 4:30pm - 6:20pm, venue: Room KK 101, K.K.Leung Building, University of Hong Kong. (poster) (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3)
Seminar "Surveying the European Union's Impact on Global Justice : The GLOBUS Project", 16 Sep 2019 (Mon), 1:00pm - 2:30pm, venue: AAB1123, 11/F, Academic and Administration Building (AAB), Hong Kong Baptist University. (poster)
"Defining Moments in History" Seminars: 1. "30 Years On After the Fall of the Berlin Wall" by C. Roland Vogt and 2. "From Communist Europe to Populist Europe" by Kenneth Chan, 13&20 March 2019, 6:45pm - 8:45 pm, venue: KK101, 1/F, K.K. Leung Building, University of Hong Kong. (poster) (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3)
Emergence of Populism in the Continent - Implications for Asia and Beyond, 13 March 2019, 4:30pm - 6:20pm, venue: CPD-LG.34, the University of Hong Kong. (poster) (photo 1, photo 2)
CUHK General Education Talk "Migrant Crisis in Europe" (in Cantonese), 21 February 2019 (Thu), 7:00pm - 9:00pm, venue: LT4, Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.(poster) (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4)
'Europe, the West and China's Renaissance' - A Conversation between Dr Claude Meyer and Dr Kenneth Chan, 19 November 2018, Consulate-General of France, Hong Kong. (poster) (photo)
The EU as An International Actor-Finnish Perspective – a guest lecture by Paula Lehtomaki, State Secretary, Prime Minister's Office, Finland, 15 November 2018. (poster) (photos)
"Au coeur de Mai 68" (In the heart of May 68).
Co-organized with the International Office, Hong Kong Baptist University. (poster 1) (poster 2)
Opening Ceremony & Seminar: 6 November 2018 (Tuesday), 11:30 a.m. – 1:20 p.m., Lam Woo International Conference Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University.
(photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4, photo 5, photo 6, photo 7)
Documentary Film "Un étrange printemps" (English title: A strange spring): 21 November 2018 (Wednesday), 9:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m., AAB507, 5/F, Academic and Administration Building, Hong Kong Baptist University. In French with English subtitles.
Photo Exhibition: 6-30 November 2018, venue: Lam Woo International Conference Centre and WLB 109, Hong Kong Baptist University.
"The Legacy of 1968 : Prague Spring and Its Repercussions 50 Years", Sep 7, 2018.
(Photos of the Grand Opening) (Opening Ceremony Poster) (Event Poster)
1968 was a year of global resistance.
"Prague Spring", "The Polish March", "French May", the Anti-War Movement in the US as well as all public protests and political upheavals around the world that had rocked the establishment.
50 years on, the promises of 1968 remain as pertinent as ever.
Globalization has brought opportunities and challenges to humanity. Hope and solidarity for a better world are threatened by pervasive despair and rivalries.
What can we learn from the people and nations that were overwhelmed by fear and powerlessness? What's left for truth and morality when the public sphere has been taken over by falsehoods, lies and absurdity?
Living in truth as a form of "power for the powerless" is often underrated. But in times of a collective moral crisis, people who care more than their own interest and preservation have continued to look for ways to overcome social and cultural impotence.
This series of events and activities will shed light on 1968 and its legacy.
Hong Kong Community Cinema Film Show "The People vs. Fritz Bauer" (Dir. Lars Kraume, 2015, in German with Chinese subtitles), 1 September 2018, 2.30pm, with post-screening discussion on "Transitional Justice" by Dr Kenneth Chan, President, Hong Kong Association for European Studies. Venue: Hong Kong Independent Media, 9/Fl, 365 Hennessey Road, Foo Tak Building, Wan Chai. (photo)
Hong Kong Community Cinema Film Show "Bornholmer Strasse" (Dir. Christian Schwochow, 2014, in German with Chinese subtitles), 2 December 2017, 7:30pm, with post-screening discussion by Dr Kenneth Chan, President, Hong Kong Association for European Studies. Venue: Green Wave Art, G/F, 404 Shanghai Street, Yaumatei, Kowloon. (poster)
Special seminar "Catalonia Crisis: What are the Options Now?", by Isabel Fueyo Sánchez (Hong Kong Correspondent, EFE News Agency), Dr. Antonio Alcoholado Feltstrom (Professor, Shenzhen College of International Education, Shenzhen Guangdong, China ; Universitat Jaume I, Valencia Area, Spain), Martin Juaristi Garamendi (Assistant Lecturer, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, the University of Hong Kong), 25 October 2017, in Council Chamber (SWT 501), Shaw Tower, Shaw Campus, HKBU. (poster) (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4, photo 5)
Talk "European Union: Past and Future", by Dr. Chan Ka Lok Kenneth, 29 September 2017, in Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall, HKUST, for the opening ceremony "Ever Closer Union : the Legacy of the Treaties of Rome for Today's Europe". Organized by the HKUST Center for the Arts and co-organized and supported by the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao, Bellissima Italia and Italian Cultural Institute in Hong Kong. (poster) (details) (Facebook Page of Center for the Arts, HKUST) (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4, photo 5, photo 6)
"Tourism Marketing in Europe – Strategies to Capture China Outbound Travel", by Prof. Dr. Gerd Schwandner (International Management and Marketing Strategies, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany), 5:00 to 6:30pm, 9 February 2006, in Room 802, David C. Lam Building, HKBU. Co-organized with the GIS Dept. and LEWI (Europe-China Programme) of HKBU.
"European Humanities: A Lost Cause?”, 5.30 to 6.30 pm, 15 December 2005, in Room 218 (Convocation Room), Main Building, Hong Kong University. The speakers were:
Dr Wayne Cristaudo, Programme Coordinator, European Studies, HKU, on “The Modern World as a European Invention?”
Mr Michael Müller-Verweyen, Director of the Goethe-institut, on "German Studies as Cultural Studies - A European Perspective"
Ms Xuan Thu Le, Department of Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies. Chinese University of Hong Kong, on "Humanism and Humanities"
Showing of film L'Auberge espagnole (The Spanish Inn) with debate on International Students Exchange, 6.30 pm, Thursday 24 November 2005, ACC109, Jockey Club Academic Community Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University (with Department of Government and International Studies and in conjunction with L’Association Français Langue Etrangère Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Association of French Teachers) (details)
Seminar on Ireland's Path to Economic Development, 7 October 2005, with the GIS Dept of HKBU
Seminar and AGM, 16 December 2004, Place: Room T18, Island Learning Centre (OUHK), Shun Tak Centre/4F, Sheung Wan, Seminar (6.30 pm), European Perspectives on the Bush Administration (details)
"Understanding the History of European Integration as a Whole: Suggestion for an Analytical Framework", Dr Fabrice Larat, 28 October 2004 (Thursday), 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Room 802, David C. Lam Building, HKBU (details)
"Employment Policy and Unemployed Movements in the European Union", Dr Didier Chabanet, 11.00 a.m.-12.30 p.m., 21 October 2004 (Thursday), Room 802, David C. Lam Building, HKBU (details)
City University of Hong Kong Department of Public and Social Administration, "The New Member States and the EU", Dr Klaus Goetz (LSE), 4.00–5.30 pm, Monday 5 July 2004 (details)
"The Anglo-French North Pole: Editing and Translating Verne's Adventures of Captain Hatteras", Dr William Butcher, GIS Dept, HKBU, 3 May 2004 (details)
"International Relations Post-9/11", M. Hubert Védrine, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1997-2002 (details)
In conjunction with the Alliance Française; EUROPEAN FILM CLUB, Film: “JOAN OF ARC”, with a discussion moderated by Dr.Stephen Palmquist, 27 November (details)
In conjunction with The Orthodox Metropolitanate of Hong Kong and South East Asia, Film: “Andrei Rublev”, with a debate moderated by Jean-Michel Sourd, 24 February 2004 (details)
Visit to Hong Kong and talk of Mr Richard Balfe, MEP, "Institutional Developments of the European Union: A View from the European Parliament", 20 February 2004 (details)
Seminar Series
Sep 27 - Nov 29, 2017 - Loved, Loathed and Misunderstood: How Leaders and Their Ideas Shape Europe? (poster)
Nov 29, 2017 - Reunification and Reconciliation : Helmut Kohl and the German Question
( photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4, photo 5, photo 6 )Sep 27, 2017 - Transformative Leadership : Fifth Republic France from de Gaulle to Macron
( photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4, photo 5 )
Sep 25 - Oct 23, 2015 - Culture and Politics in European Cinema (click here for details)
Apr 4 - May 30, 2014 - Politics and Culture : European Experiences (Fourth Series) (click here for details)
Apr 26 - Jun 7, 2013 - War and Peace in Europe (click here for details)
Oct 5 - Nov 30, 2012 - Three German Political Thinkers (click here for details)
Sep 23 - Nov 25, 2011 - Three British Political Thinkers (click here for details)
Jan 28 - Mar 25, 2011 - Politics and Culture: The European Experiences (Third Series) (click here for details)
Sep 24 - Nov 26, 2010 - Politics and Culture: The European Experiences (Second Series) (click here for details) (2nd Seminar - "Beyond the Gulag: Solzhenitsyn and Dissent in the Soviet Union") (3rd Seminar - Britain in the 1960s: Happy Days or Prelude to a Long Road Down?)
2010 - Three Contemporary French Thinkers (click here for details)
2009 - Three European Political Thinkers (click here for details)
2008 - Politics and Culture: The European Experiences (click here for details)
"From Napoleon to De Gaulle: Treasures from the Consulate General of France", Nov 24 - Dec 6, 2020 (Poster)
The objectives of the Association are
to contribute to better understanding in Hong Kong of European affairs and culture, and in particular of the European Union
to promote teaching and research in European Studies, which necessarily includes cultural and language components; to foster links between academic institutions in Hong Kong
to foster links between these institutions and similar bodies in Europe
and to encourage dialogue between those with an interest in European Studies.
The members of the Association come from all the main universities and colleges in Hong Kong as well as from the various European cultural institutes and consular representations in Hong Kong. Membership is open to students and to those from a non-academic background.
The Association is a member of ECSA-WORLD, the global association of European Community Studies Associations sponsored by the European Commission. The President of the Association is a Board Member of the Asia-Pacific Association for EU Studies (EUSA-Asia Pacific).
The HKAES is run by an elected committee, chaired by a President. The current President is Dr. CHAN Ka Lok Kenneth of Baptist University (tel: 3411 5754, fax: 3411 5799, email: kklchan@hkbu.edu.hk), and the current General Secretary is Dr. Hyewon Kang Kim (tel: 3461 1630, email: kimhyewon@live.com) of The Cultural Studies Centre of East Asia. Enquiries are welcome.
Executive Committee members of the HKAES
Position |
Name |
Institution |
President |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
General Secretary |
The Cultural Studies Centre of East Asia, Hong Kong |
Treasurer |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Committee Members |
Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Prof. Ting Wai (Retired) |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Lingnan University |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
City University of Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Lingnan University |
Community College of City University/UOW College Hong Kong |
Former Presidents
- Prof. Ting Wai (2006-2017)
- Prof. Richard Balme (2003-2006)
- Prof. Brian Bridges (2001-2003)
- Prof. Werner Meissner (1997-2001)
- Prof. Murray Forsyth (1995-1997)
European Community Studies Associations-WORLD
The Asia-Pacific Association for EU Studies (EUSA-Asia Pacific)
European Documentation Centre at Hong Kong Baptist University
European Studies Programmes in Hong Kong and Macau
B.SocSc. (Hons) in European Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University
Major in European Studies, The University of Hong Kong
Instituto de Estudos Europeus de Macau
University of Macau Documentation Centre
Last update: 7 October 2021
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