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Quick European Union Reference Guide

Official website of the European Union
IATE - The EU's multilingual term base
'A translator's best friend on the web'
Glossary of The European Union and European Communities
Acronyms, Initiatives, Institutions, Policies, Programmes, Terms

Latest News
RAPID - The Spokesman's Service of the European Commission
Database giving a daily view of the activities of the European Union as presented by the Institutions in their press releases. Currently, press releases from the European Commission, Council of Ministers, Court of Justice, Court of Auditors, Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions are available.
Bulletin of the European Union
The Bulletin of the European Union reports on the activities of the Commission and the other Community institutions. It is produced by the Secretariat-General of the European Commission and published 10 times a year in the official European languages.
EUROPA - EU Events
European Information Services

Main European Institutions and Servers
The European Commission
The European Parliament
The European Central Bank
Delegation of the European Union to China
EU-China News (quarterly newsletter), official EU-China documents, EU-China trade statistics, EU-China Economic and development co-operation programmes, EU Support to NGO's working in China, and EC Delegation press releases

European Union Briefs
Fact Sheets on the European Union
Objectives and achievements - European Parliament
European Commission - Citizenship
Citizens First
Dialogue with Citizens and Business - Information on citizens' rights within the EU
EURO - One Currency for Europe
Questions and Answers on the Euro and the European Monetary Union
Seat of the European Commission panoramic virtual tour, Brussels - 360Cities

Public Opinion Polls in the European Union
Surveys on Opinions and Attitudes of Europeans
European Continuous Tracking Survey (CTS)

European Press
European Voice | An independent voice on EU news and affairs
Your Internet guide to what is really going on in the European Union
Europe News - Businessweek
The Courier
Each issue of The Courier contains 'Country Reports' which deal with the current economic and political outlook in specific ACP states (Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific), and the 'Dossier' which generally covers a sector or theme of particular interest to developing countries.
Selected Western European Newspapers and News Services

Official European Union Publications
EUROPE Office for Publications of the EU