Current Holdings
The EDC contains serials (or periodicals) and monographs (books and pamphlets). They are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification.
Serials Relating to the Legislative Process of the European Union- Documents of the European Commission (COM Documents)
- European Parliament Reports (PE Documents) [in micro-fiche form]
- Opinions and Reports of the Economic and Social Committee (CES Documents)
- Official Journal of the European Communities
- Annex: debates of the European Parliament
- C Series: (Information and notices)
- L Series: (Legislation)
- S Series, or Supplement (details of supply and work contracts placed by public authorities)
- European Court Reports
- Proceedings of the Court of Justice of the EC
Statistical Materials from Eurostat
- General statistics
- Economy and finance
- Energy and industry
- Population and social conditions
- External trade
- Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
- Other statistics
Other Serials
- Biblio Country Report (Abstracts of information relating to EU Member states and third countries)
- Biblio East (Abstracts of information on Eastern Europe)
- Biblio Europe (Abstracts of information on the EU and its policy)
- Biblio Flash (Abstracts of information sources on call at the European Commission Library)
- BILDUNG UND WISSENSCHAFT (Education and Science)
- Britain in Hong Kong
- Bulletin from the Foundation
- Bulletin of European Studies on Time
- Bulletin of the European Union and Supplement
- Business UK
- Car of Tomorrow
- Central and Eastern Eurobarometer
- Competition Policy Newsletter
- Der Spiegel
- Deutsche Bundesbank
- Deutschland (Magazine on Politics, Culture, Business and Science)
- EIB Information (by European Investment Bank)
- Enjeux Les Echos
- EU-China News
- EU News
- EU Today
- Eurobarometer - Public opinion in the European Union
- EUR ASIA Bulletin (European Institute for Asian Studies)
- Euro Abstracts (Scientific and Technical Information from European Research and Development)
- Euro-info (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Craft Sector)
- European Economy and Supplements
- European Industrial Relations Observatory
- European University News
- Frontier-free Europe
- GBA aktuell (The Business magazine of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce Hong Kong, South China, Vietnam)
- Hong Kong Echo Magazine
- Label France
- L'Express
- InfEuro
- INFO-C (Information from DG XXIV Consumer Policy of the EC)
- Information Society
- Innovation and Technology
- INSAR (Information Summary on Archives)
- Le Magazine For Education, Training and Youth in Europe
- Le Moci
- Le Nouvel Economiste
- Legal Bibliography of European Integration
- News Roundup on EC Research and Technological Development
- Norway Now
- Opinions of the Committee of the Regions
- Paroles
- P + European Participation Monitor
- Regio-news
- Regions and Cities of Europe Newsletter
- RIET in Focus (Regional Institute of Environmental Technology)
- SCAD Bulletin (References to a large selection of articles dealing with Community affairs)
- Social Europe Magazine
- The Week in Europe
- Vocational Training European Journal
- Women of Europe
- The Economist
- The European
- International Herald Tribune
- The Asian Wall Street Journal
- Les Echos
- Le Monde
- Le Monde Diplomatique
- Der Spiegel
- Der Standard
- Die Presse
- Die Zeit
- Süddeutsche Zeitung
Monographs in the EDC cover a wide range of subjects such as political science, economics, law, social issues, agriculture, education and culture, regional policy, commerce, transport, technology (applied science) and history.