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Language Learning in European Studies

The objective of the European Studies Programme is to make you proficient in either French or German.

You will start out with acquiring the skills of a basic user (able to communicate in everyday life).
You will then be trained to be come an independent user (able to communicate fluently in daily life, including work and university).
The ultimate goal is to become a proficient user (able to use the language flexibly and creatively even in very demanding, complex situations).

Language Learning in the course is structured according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), issued by the Council of Europe and recommended by a European Union Council Resolution in 2001.

The CEF sets standards for the learning and teaching of all languages within the European Union so as to "equip all Europeans for international cooperation and mobility". The six levels of CEF describe the goals of language learning throughout your four years of study in the course. Textbooks and other learning materials are selected, created and/or adopted to conform to these standards, which are the same for French and German.

The following chart gives you an overview of language skills taught at the various stages, the performance levels you are required to attain, and the materials used to reach them.

* applicable to students intake from Academic Years 2018-19 to 2021-22

Year1234 *
StageA1A2B1B1 - B2B2C1C1
BreakthroughWaystage - ThresholdThresholdThreshold - VantageVantageEffective Operational MasteryEffective Operational Mastery
FREN1008 GERM1008
FREN1009 GERM1009FREN2017 FREN2008 GERM2017 GERM2008FREN2009 GERM2009FREN4018 GERM4018FREN4019 GERM4019
Target Qualification (French / German)Basic UserBasic UserIndependent UserIndependent UserIndependent UserProficient UserProficient User
Target Qualification: Descriptors for Self- AssessmentSA Grid 1 (English) / SA Grid 2 (German) / SA Grid 3 (French)
Descriptors for Assessment Purposes (Teaching / Testing) German
French Descriptors - CIEP A1 / A2 / B1 / B2 / C1
Required testing level upon completion of stageStart Deutsch 1 /
Diplôme d'études en langue française
Start Deutsch 2 /
ZD Zertifikat Deutsch /
TestDaF (Niveau 3) Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf /
TestDaF (Niveau 4) DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung Hochschule)TestDaF (Niveau 4-5) ZMP PWDTestDaF (Niveau 4-5) /
Diplôme approfondi de langue française

Sources: CEF-e, CEF-d, CEF-f, CEF-i; European Language Portfolio / Europäisches Sprachenportfolio / Portfolio européen des langues / Portfolio europeo delle lingue

See also: The European Language Portfolio - a guide for teachers and teacher trainers